This new website promotes direct dealing between buyer and seller. No commission.

uying or selling a domain name can be an intimidating, in-depth process. I remember the first time I did it back in the 1990s. Even then it was complicated.
Like most people, I slowly learned over time by reading and asking lots of questions.
Life goes by in five minutes. Many of us, myself included, are hoarders. Although I am not a serious hoarder, I am pretty bad. Do you have old dormant websites that made sense to you ten or fifteen years ago, but today your life has changed? Children grow up, wives leave for other men in their running club and lawyers pick at the bones of Icarus after the fall. As a pilot I often flew too close to the sun.
If you survive the sudden stop at the end your hair will turn gray and instinctively you know it is time to sell all of those domain names you've been sitting on for the past two decades. What are they worth? I have a few ideas about that and we're going to find out if I am right or not.
My first assumption is that you have invested time and money in your domain names. You may even have a working website you want to close. How are you going to sell it? Oh, you can hire a domain name broker who will most likely make a healthy commission off of selling your names.
In come a couple of ridiculously low offers, most likely from the Deep State of telephone operators who mingle in a chat room and develop a plot to buy it cheap from you and price it up themselves in China or Saint Petersburg.
My grandfather was assigned to cryptography in
the latter days of World War II. He told me when I was a boy the hardest form of communication to intercept was a note transferred directly between two people. If the note was burned after transmission between the two parties it was very difficult indeed.
Think of makeOffer® as a consultancy to domain name Sellers. It is based on direct communication between two parties. In other words, there is no "middle man." You conduct your own negotiations. As a Seller of your domain name, you decide whether to respond to an offer on your name. If you ever made the mistake of leaving your personal information in your WhoIs record, the trolls will find you. This is important. Restrict public access to your WhoIs record.
Domain name traders play all kinds of tricks to convince you the "true value" of your name. One of their favorite tricks is to send you a variety of low-ball offers from various names and email addresses. This is an attempt at convincing you to accept their low offer. What you may not understand is that many domain brokers want to resell your name at a much higher price. They may already have a buyer waiting.
What is the true value of your domain name? You and the Buyer determine the true value. This is one-to-one communication. makeOffer® does not interfere in your communications. We have no interest in forcing a sale because a Seller pays a fixed annual fee for our consultancy. Sellers decide whether to respond to Buyers' offers or not.
We appreciate your patience as we build our site. There is much work to do to make things go smoothly for everybody as we go forward. -- Mark Estabrook

makeOffer launched on on 08MAR2020
Someone wants to trademark “makeOffer” for domain forwarding BY ANDREW ALLEMANN, 27MAY2020; POLICY & LAW
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office approves makeOffer® for trademark registration on 29SEP2020
makeOffer® acquires on 17NOV2020
makeOffer® acquires on 27NOV2020